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Dear Friends,Colourful-Chameleon-bright-colors-17499288-800-600

I am writing to inform you that, sadly, the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) has not approved the Bright Stars After School Enrichment program proposal to relocate. The EEC's reason is that there are not enough current families committed to move to the new location. Although Bright Stars is a program owned by the church, autority over the program lies with the state agency. This makes us sad given the fact that we have the best staff we have had in awhile, a place to go within our budget and the commitment and support of volunteers from the church.

As you know, our current location has been perfect since we have a majority of families from the Brooks School.  But as we sought a new location when advised by the owners of 400 High Street that we would not be able to remain in the building past this June, we were unable to find another location close to a school. This has always been an advantage for us being right next door to the school. Since we sold the church property and the new owners would not renew our lease after June 30th, we knew it would be difficult, especially without a summer program, to keep the momentum going. We believed that we could entice families from at least one of the schools near what would have been our new location, however we needed a commitment from current families to gain approval to move on.

We have informed the Bright Stars families are formulating packing up plan. the program will close and we will vacate the building by June 30th. One of my concerns has been for the staff and losing jobs. One consolation is that since they knew we were not having a summer program, the staff had begun looking into summer jobs that hopefully will result in a school year program. 

I am very proud of the staff for providing a quality after-school enrichment program that has served this community for a very long time. Although the program has struggled at times over the years, the staff has never waivered in their dedication to the children and our vision. This is very rare to find in an after-school staff. I have always been proud to be associated with this program.

A lot of praise goes to Directors Sharon and Erin. Sharon turned the program around awhile ago and made it into an even better program than from the beginning. Erin has many great assets and qualities that have also enhanced the program, with close attention to detail and the welfare of the children. Their love of the children and dedication to the families in making a quality program is phenomenal.

I was very excited this year after the annual meeting, that many of our members stepped up and volunteered to help in any way they could. I was uplifted that it seemed like the congregation was very willing to make this program work and be a part of the mission of the church. I do want to thank those of you that volunteered to help out and also thank Rev. Tom for coming in each week to help out.

I have seen many after-school programs and Bright Stars is head and shoulders above many. I am happy to say we have served many families over the years with this program. We have been able to provide an excellent program for families who are very much in need of after-school care and some who may not have been able to afford one without Bright Stars. I can't say enough about the staff and the program, I am very honored that I am associated with this program and all it has done for the community.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me.

Thanks--Kim Grubb

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