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About the Artist:

Youveline Joseph

Youveline Joseph is a visual artist, born in Haiti but raised in Brockton, Massachusetts. Her passion for art began at a young age. Around the age of five she began to showcase her natural ability to draw and create. In high school she took an International Baccalaureate art class, an advance art class, designed to allow creative students to excel in their art. Later on, Youveline minored in Fine Arts in college while majoring in Sociology with a concentration in Health Medicine.

After graduating in 2017, Youveline decided to pursue her art on a more professional level. She mainly paints with acrylic paint on canvas. While on her journey to understand and grow as an individual she began to develop her Afrocentric painting style. She uses a combination of cowrie shells, crystals, and glitter to personalize her artworks. She also incorporates bright, vibrant colors, patterns, and textures into her pieces.

Moreover, her inspiration comes from beauty, culture, social media, fashion, adversity, and societal issues. Her body of work focuses on representation and her goal is to showcase and praise the beauty of her people (i.e. the diversity in the African diaspora).


Artist Statement:

What is Youveline’s Creations…

It is the embodiment of the Black Art experience. Black beauty, Black magic, Black power, Black pride, Black excellence. It is our traditions, our hairstyles, our culture, our people, our essence. My art…

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