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Red_Hand_Among_Blue_Leadership_500x300A New Kinda Church,
A New Kinda Leadership. Are you called?
Congregational Meeting and Election: June 14, 2015, 11:00 am

We have been talking about leadership in our newly re-imagined ministry, mission and governance. We hope that you have been reading and praying about how God is leading you to make God’s love and justice real in the world, about how being Sanctuary is connected to your call to serve.

We also hope that you have reviewed the new bylaws for descriptions of the roles in which members and friends are needed to serve the mission of Sanctuary.

These roles include Leadership Circle (the Board), Nominating Team, Stewardship and Finance, Pastor Parish Relations and on ministry teams that will support the mission of Sanctuary.

Some of the ministry teams we are imagining include: Circles of Care, Worship/Dinner Church, Outreach and Mission, Youth/Children, Pine Ridge, The Gallery @ Sanctuary, Music for the Soul, and Faith Formation.

Hopefully you’ve been following along.

Here are the bylaws for you reference.

Any questions, please be in touch with Rev. Wendy, Paul Roberts or Karen McCune Barca.

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