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everybody needs a little sanctuary…

Dear Friends,

2017 marks another leap forward in our call to ‘Be Sanctuary’ in new ways. Your Leadership Circle and staff have developed a plan for next steps in making real our vision to create circles of love and care.

At the heart of our vision of being sanctuary is a call to connect those who have a need with those who want to fill a need. We are already doing this with ministries such as the Lakota YouthStay Program, AM2PM Youth Volunteer Week and the bi-monthly meal at Bread of Life.

Now we are ready to build a network of volunteers to share love, care and spiritual support with folk in need. The sky’s the limit and God needs you to make it so!

We are writing to invite you to consider joining this circles of care ministry team which we’re calling “Medford Cares” (at least for now)!

The implementation plan we’ve carved out includes:

  1. January 2017 | Leadership Development Initiative (LDI) “Be the Church” Training Program:A Sanctuary Team is trained and coached in practices of contemplation, reconciliation and community organizing. Here s a short, helpful, inspiring description: “Why LDI?” (this previously broken link is fixed).
  2. February – June, 2017 | “Be the Church” Learning Lab and Medford Cares Ministry Pilot Project: Sanctuary’s team, with the support of LDI coaching and further training will a) further develop the scope and nature of the ministry they want to organize and b) organize and implement the project. 
  3. July, 2017 and following | Next Steps: Based on the experience and lessons learned from the Pilot Project the team will imagine and develop next steps for further building out Sanctuary’s Circles of Care Ministry.

Does this sound exciting to you? Does it make you wonder what you might bring? Or do you just want to see what LDI is all about? Some may feel called to the organizing and leadership team while others might see themselves being volunteers who spread love and care. 

Either way – send us an email about your interest or call Rev. Wendy, Rev. Lambert or Linda Malik (781.395.3360) and let us tell you more – including what the commitment might look like!

We are really excited about this next step and can’t wait to get started!  Won’t you join us?

With love and prayer,
Sanctuary UCC Staff and Leadership Circle

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