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All Sundays in June, 2024: First Community United Methodist Church celebrates PRIDE in its worship services every Sunday of June. This includes teaching and an emphasis on the challenges of LGBTQ+ members of our community. Rev. Dr. Cristian De La Rosa, Pastor

Sunday, Jun 2, 2024: Unitarian Universalist Church Medford will celebrate PRIDE during worship on Sunday, June 2 at 11 am; honoring LGBTQ+ pioneers with “Stories from the UU Rainbow Project.” The service will focus on UU clergy in the years after the Stonewall uprising, and their lasting influence on the movement. Rev. Bruce Taylor, pastor.

Saturday, June 8, 2024: Sanctuary UCC & Hillside Community Church will host Faith and Film for PRIDE with a screening and discussion circle for the film, Rustin; an award-winning docu-drama about the civil rights leader whose leadership was erased due to his identity. Rev. Wendy Miller Olapade, Sanctuary Pastor & Circle Facilitator

Friday, June 21, 2024: Temple Shalom will celebrate PRIDE Shabbat on Friday, June 21 with a community dinner at 6 pm and a service at 7:15 pm. Rabbi Jessica Dell’Era, Clergy

Sunday, June 23, 2024: Hillside Community Church & Sanctuary UCC will celebrate PRIDE during their joint worship on Sunday, June 23 at 10:30 am. Come feel the love. Rev. Tom Hathaway, Hillside Pastor & Preacher

Sunday, June 23, 2024: Grace Episcopal Church will celebrate PRIDE during worship on June 23 at 10 am; preceded at 9 am by an adult forum. Grace will engage in other events honoring Pride throughout the month. Rev. Carol Morehead, Rector

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