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2022.12.08 One Minute Word: Silence IS Golden

#YouNeedSilence #SilenceISGolden #PrayerAndMeditation #MakeSomeSpace #DigitalFasting #PracticePeace #Benedictus #BlessingTheSilence #SilenceTheBlessing #ChristmasIsComing #ReasonfortheSeason #AdventJourney #BlessingsContinue #GodWithUs #PrinceOfPeace #LoveEthic #JesusWay #JesusEthic #GodsLove #LoveYourNeighbor #StartWithLove #FeelTheLove #LiveOutLove #LoveWins #GodsLoveNeverFails

@HillsideMedford @SanctuaryUCC @revwdmiller @MinisterofGainz

Waaay back – in the17th century – Blaise Pascal wrote that, “All of humanity’s problems stem from our inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” If Pascal is right — then we’re in big trouble.

Between our natural discomfort with silence and solitude – and the myriad ways we have invented to avoid it – think gaming, streaming, and the device and social media on which you are listening to me right now – people today are rarely quiet and even more rarely alone.

Almost every faith tradition teaches – and science has proven -that quiet contemplation and selective seclusion are good for the mind, body, spirit, and soul. Our brains need a break – especially when stress and social engagement are high.

Yet with the expectations we carry for work and family and our culture’s compulsive connectivity – silence and solitude are rare commodities.

So, how do we wade through the din of all of our distractions and make space for our spiritual selves?

Well – we can start by – making space – even a few minutes a day can make a difference.  A little digital fasting, maybe some prayer and meditation. Perhaps you might stop talking for 30 minutes, or take a walk in the woods by yourself – without your ear buds.

And maybe you will click on the sermon link below for more about how golden silence can be; and why it is so important to practice.

Beloved I know how hard it is to stay centered and quiet at this time of year – but I don’t want you to miss what God is up to for She is about to slip into the world anew, again.

So please – join us this Sunday at 10:30 for worship – onsite or online – because everybody needs a little sanctuary and a quiet place to practice listening, pondering, attending to the God who is whispering in your ear and sending light and love into the world.

See you soon.

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