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Hi Folks,

I am excited to tell you all that I have recently purchased a home! This is truly a happy? (and frankly, a bit stressful?) event for me!

Unfortunately, the house is in Syracuse, NY, which means that I will be leaving Sanctuary shortly, making Friday, October 13 my last official day. 

This move is prompted by my inability to afford to live in the Boston area any longer. The cost of this home ($74K) is equivalent to less than four years of rent paid here, and I have a bargain apartment! The confluence of income inequality and Boston’s outrageously unaffordable housing market has made this an inevitable decision for me. I have been struggling for years, just getting by, not being able to pay back my school loans. At my age, my future is bleak if I remain–making subsidized public housing within five years my only option. That is not the life I choose for myself. In Syracuse, the cost of living is between 1/3 and 1/2 of here, and I still have a strong community of loved ones who are as excited about my return as I am. This is a very wise, happy and healthy decision for me. I am truly excited to begin a new chapter in my life.

While some of you have already expressed sadness and concern, I want to tell you that the good news is that Rev. Wendy and I are on top finding a new person in my absence. This individual will not only fulfill my role, but will help Sanctuary UCC thrive!  However, there is so much here to be proud of already.

I always speak of partnerships (just ask Wendy ;-). What I mean by that is that when you partner with others, you truly strengthen the work you do, and it becomes that much easier to fulfill your mission.  I love what Sanctuary is all about and it is the reason I wanted to come on board last year. The results from being mission-driven can be truly extraordinary. I know this from my work as an organizer and coalition-builder. Even the most daunting tasks can be cut down to size when you have others working with you and besides you. I KNOW this is true for Sanctuary. We are cultivating new partners every day, and those gifts and blessings can grow exponentially.

I thank all of you for the opportunity to work on behalf of this church, whose mission I LOVE, HONOR, RESPECT, and BELIEVE IN! The work I’ve seen done by the volunteers truly makes my heart swell with pride and joy. Please know that I remain Sanctuary’s greatest cheerleader, and it is my fervent prayer that all the endless hours to make its vision a reality comes to fruition in the coming year. Medford needs and is blessed to have Sanctuary and all the gifts it provides! I will continue to envision all of you working on its behalf to do “even greater works than these.”

I have been blessed to be part of such a visionary place, and to witness the work, talents, and gifts provided by the wonderful folks of Sanctuary. You will remain in my heart long after I have left. Thank you all for your commitment to help forward the work of Jesus–being missionaries to the cause of peace, love and justice….Being Sanctuary.

With Gratitude and Love,


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