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A Daily Spiritual Practice

When you hear the word Arrival, what do you see in your mind’s eye?

An alien landing? (and do they come in peace–or hegemonic power?) A tired but hopeful motley crew of asylum-seekers straggling toward the southern border of the U.S.? A red carpet, rolled out for a possibly demanding VIP guest? A flurry of suitcases and hugs as beloveds come for a visit? A band of angels, faces invisible, wings beating softly in the darkness, creating a downdraft that will draw Someone else?

Does the word Arrival make your heart leap–or raise your blood pressure? What are the feelings you have when you say the word out loud? What–or who are you waiting for? And how do you expect them to come? Read More and Print the Calendar…

Sanctuary UCC is blessed to be one of the thousands of UCC folk who receive Rev. Molly Baskette’s annual Advent and Christmas calendar creation and her blessed, heartfelt message. We offer it here with her blessing. As Molly suggests, “print it on pretty paper, hang it on your refrigerator and put a little more Hope, Peace, Joy, & Love in the world through your actions and reflections”!

On behalf of Sanctuary we are waiting with hope,
Reverend Wendy

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