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Every year, our friend the Rev. Molly Baskette, formerly our neighbor as the lead pastor at First Church, Somerville and now the Senior Pastor of First Church Berkeley UCC builds a wonderful Advent Calendar to share with her church and her wider church family – and that includes us!!

Molly’s Advent Calendars are thoughtful and provocative – but family-friendly, low-key, and almost-prop-free! Her instructions suggest that you print it out on pretty paper, stick it on the fridge, and go! Molly writes, “Do it imperfectly, haphazardly, absentmindedly, or religiously…”

I pray that you might take a few moments this week to read her cover letter, print out the calendar on pretty paper (call us if you need for us to do that for you) and “just do it” allowing yourself to find Christ in the Chaos of the season!

With blessing and prayer,

Rev. Wendy

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