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2022.08.03 One Minute Word: Elemental Isn’t Easy

#WhatGoesAroundComesAround #KindergartenCredo  #ItsElemental #AllINeedILearnedInKindergarten #GoldenRule #RobertFulghum #PlayFair #ShareEverything #StartWithLove #FeelTheLove #LoveWins #LoveEthic #GodsLove

@SanctuaryUCC @HillsideMedford

Robert Fulghum’s Kindergarten Credo is a collection of simple -but profound principles that would sure make the world a better place if grownups were to practice them.

It’s elemental wisdom – like play fair and share.

But as anyone who is trying to live a love ethic can tell you – elemental isn’t always easy – the Golden Rule is not kid stuff.

The ego is more inclined to take than it is to give – so fairness and equity are hard won when humans are involved.

So how do we “do unto others as we would have them do unto us”?

Well, my guy Jesus says that God created us to love; so that’s a great place to start – because love is way more about giving than getting.

That – my friends – is certainly elemental! And, when we start with love, then it ALL gets easy.

For more about the Kindergarten Credo – check out the sermon on the link below.

And join us this Sunday at 10:30 am at Hillside Community Church – onsite or online. We’ve got more life lessons on deck – this week it’s about saying you’re sorry when you hurt someone.

Because – everybody needs a little sanctuary – and a caring community where you can feel the love.

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