Minari: A Film by Lee Isaac Chung This film has been chosen as part of the IAmMigration Arts and Inspiration Series. About this Film: A tender and sweeping story about what roots...
Go to the Connection Hub for access to this week's electronic worship bulletin/hymns/prayer wall and more. For more about this Sunday's Worship Theme - check out the Hillside website for the current...
Join us for a nosh and get connected with conversation, conviviality, and cool people.Sign up here to help with coffee hour! Bring the simple snacks , setup/make the coffee &...
The Outdoor Church is a church for chronically homeless men and women in Cambridge, MA. Every Sunday afternoon, a team of volunteers distributes sandwiches, juice boxes, socks, and toiletries around...
Please deliver to the screened-in porch at 254 Arlington St, Medford by noon on the 3rd Thursday of each month; and email or text notification of delivery. Questions or need a pick...
Sign Up with the Friday Cafe Here.Friday Cafe offers opportunities for in-person volunteers on Fridays, to serve the meal and help distribute clothing. Vaccination and masks are required, and doors and...
Sign Up with the Friday Cafe Here.Friday Cafe offers opportunities for in-person volunteers on Fridays, to serve the meal and help distribute clothing. Vaccination and masks are required, and doors and...