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2022.8.11 One Minute Word: Forgiven-Full

#ForgiveForYou #ForgivenessMeansPeace #ForgivenessFrees #SpiritualPractice #BeginAgain #JustResume #Dont BeAJerk #ImSorry #MakeAmends #GrowUp #ResentmentsKill #WhenWeAreWrongPromptlyAdmitIt #KindergartenCredo  #AllINeedILearnedInKindergarten #RobertFulghum #StartWithLove #FeelTheLove #LoveWins #LoveEthic #GodsLove

@SanctuaryUCC @HillsideMedford

Last Sunday, Rev. Tom reflected on the universal and really important lesson that we try to teach kids from the moment they individuate and communicate: when you hurt someone say you’re sorry. And don’t be a jerk about it.

It’s imperative to the healthy development of the human spirit – that when we cause harm – we “Say” the words and we also amend our actions! We pull up our big person pants – take responsibility for our part in things and make sure we don’t set our bad behaviors on repeat.

But one of the things that often gets in the way of honorable amends making – is how we feel about the other person. It is tough to be humble about a hurtful and hurting relationship loop when we ourselves are still mad about what happened.

You know this – when two toddlers are faced off in a fight – usually, they have both been “bad”.

So – how do we move past resentments that keeps us from doing the next right thing in our relationships?

Well – somebody said that “to forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. (Lewis B. Smedes)

Getting to forgiveness is not easy. It’s a spiritual practice and the spiritual life is a constant beginning and beginning again. But with God’s help, we do the work to forgive not because they deserve forgiveness but because we deserve peace.

For more about making amends check out the whole sermon on the link below. And join us this Sunday at 10:30 (onsite @ Hillside Community Church or online) for life lessons on Wonder.

Because everybody needs a little sanctuary – and a community where you can feel the love – and some forgiveness.

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