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Sanctuary UCC is proud to announce the launch of Medford Cares, an exciting pilot program to enhance and enliven the city of Medford. Following its mission to spread care and affection to all, Sanctuary UCC has developed the Medford Cares program as a way to be a source of love to the community, especially amongst seniors and others in need.

There are many people, of varying circumstances, who are lonely, isolated, and detached. Many life situations can drive someone to either disconnect from the world or feel invisible to it. Sometimes a friendly visit is all that is needed to make a turnaround for the better. Medford Cares aims to connect those who need companionship with people (from high school on up) with a passion for caring, making fruitful conversation and building authentic relationships.

If you or someone you know can benefit from this program as either a recipient of care or as a volunteer, please visit the website and complete an application: The care offered through this program will be done by trained, supervised, and CORI-checked volunteers.

All are welcome to apply. Together, we can make Medford a city of sincerity, serenity, and sanctuary for all.

Upcoming Information and Training Sessions:

Medford Cares Information Session (everything you wanted to know about the program)
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 – 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Sanctuary UCC Storefront
458 High St, Medford, MA

Medford Cares Volunteer Training
Saturday, June 24, 2017 – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
West Medford Baptist Church
59 Boston Avenue, Medford, MA.

Contact: Rev. Lambert Rahming is the contact person for Medford Cares and will be happy to answer any questions, comments or concerns. He ca be reached at 781.395.3360 or via email at

Apply to be a volunteer or receive care.

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