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#PracticeThesePrinciples #PrayerandMeditation #HelpThanksWow #DontBeAJerk #AttitudeofGratitude #KISS #AnyAndAllConditions #ThankYouJesus #AnneLamott #TheWisdomofGrace #SpiritualGurus #MakeItAHabit #SpiritualHabits

How’s your prayer practice? Do you worry about doing it right or doing it often enough? It’s takes effort to make anything a habit – especially things that are good for us

The good news is that both of my spiritual gurus – Anne Lamott and Jesus  – believe that when it comes to prayer there is a lot to be said for the Keep it Simple approach.

Jesus challenged his disciples not be like the hypocrites who show off with fancy, highfalutin, religious words. He gave us plenty of examples of prayer with humble, simple words, and an attitude of gratitude. Jesus also modeled the practice of intimate prayer as a way to “improve our contact with God” and get directions for any-and-all conditions.

But I agree with Anne Lamott when she writes that, “Help, Thanks, and Wow,” are the only three prayers we need to experience the gift of God’s presence and the transformative impact of prayer.

Three prayers –

Help Me, damn it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, God.



So… maybe, there is a fourth… how about, please God – keep me from being a jerk today! Let’s make that a habit!

Click here to watch the whole sermon and join us this Sunday. We will learn more about how the spiritual habit of fasting will help us decide what we make room for.

Because everybody needs a little sanctuary.

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