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While not completely finished, we wanted to give you an update and share a few photos of the project as it nears the exciting completion of the lower level interior work!

Our pastor and family have “moved-back-in” to the beautiful kitchen renovation and early this week cooked on the new stove for the first time! The new bath addition is also ready for use (and will allow the upstairs bath renovation project to progress as planned)! There are a few final details to complete on the lower level (over the next week or so) – painting, final finish of the re-discovered hardwood flooring, clean up of the spaces that have served as the temporary set up since August and punch list.

We are glad to report that a recent real estate agent’s review of comparable properties in Medford projects that the renovation increases the value of the property to the low to mid $700K.

The amazing storage space of the renovated kitchen, the bright lighting, new windows and doors, and open floor plan have begun to warm the spirits of the occupants and those who have stopped by to see the project. the space is beautiful, gracious and a blessing. The Leadership Circle and Rev Wendy hopes to plan an Advent open house for all to get a closer look and celebrate the season.

The Leadership Circle and the pastor and her family want to express gratitude to Jim Silva, Peter Stone, the current congregation for their commitment to making this investment in our property and in our pastor’s family.  As well, we are grateful to our forbears for their investments which have provided the resources for this work!


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