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[vc_btn title=”Sign Up for Rally Day – Talent Show, Cookies, Celebration Bags!!” color=”pink” align=”center” css_animation=”fadeInDownBig” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]

Rally Sunday is the worship service where we kickoff the church’s program year and re-covenant to ‘be the church’. Most years, it serves as a homecoming of sorts: we welcome back those who have been away for the summer, celebrate how good it is to be together in community, and recommit ourselves to the work of gospel love in the months to come. While the pandemic will prevent us from holding Rally Sunday in person, we still plan to kick the day off in style. What’s more, we need your help to do it! 

There are four ways you can help make this a special day:



This Rally Sunday, we’re going to celebrate all the various God-given talents in our community with a virtual talent show. Whether your talent is cooking, doodling, gardening, birding, bicycling, juggling, dancing, singing, gift wrapping, cheese rolling, extreme ironing, drinking 8 cups of water a day, impersonations, parking, eyebrow dancing, pen drumming, limbo skating, light switch switching, or wood chopping, we invite you to participate. In the words of the Apostle Paul: “We’ve all been given different gifts – let’s use them!” (Romans 12:6)


  • Sign up here – Deadline for submission is: Monday, September 7th 
  • All video submissions should be 90 seconds in length or less. 
  • Photo submissions should be accompanied by a voice recording (we recommend using the Voice Memo app on your phone) telling how you got started with your talent, what you love about it, and how it inspires you, refreshes you, or makes you feel connected to God and/or other people.
  • All videos and photos should be taken in landscape (horizontal orientation) to make for the best final product.
  • Group/family talents are encouraged.
  • Talent Submissions can be emailed to Large files can be sent via Dropbox or Google Drive.


For Rally Day, we’ll be putting together “celebration bags” that will have elements for communion and worship and cookies for coffee hour after the service. If you’re able to bake a dozen or more cookies please sign up:


  • Sign up to make a couple dozen (or more) cookies and pack (2) cookies each into sandwich bags by clicking this link.
  • Drop them off at Hillside Community Church on Thursday, September 10th, between 5 and 8 pm. 
  • Include a list of ingredients with your cookies when you drop them off. (We will copy and pack with your cookies so our friends know what they are getting; we do have friends w. allergies and would welcome some Gluten/Nut/Dairy free treats)


You will have the option of either picking up your celebration bag or having it delivered. 

  • Pick up our Rally Day Celebration Bag 
    • Friday, September 11 (5 – 7 pm); 
    • Saturday (12 – 2)
  • Need someone to deliver my Rally Day Celebration Bag; please indicate a window in which you will be at home: 
    • Friday, September 11 (5 – 7);  
    • Saturday, September 12 (12 – 2);
    • Saturday, September 12 (2 – 4)
  • Not able to join on Rally Day so do not need a “Celebration Bag”


Live into our covenant by helping make the celebration happen! The “celebration bags” need to be assembled and delivered before Sunday! 

Volunteer Schedule

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