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2022.07.15 One Minute Word: Reverse the Curse

#ReversetheCurse #GreatReversal #FirstShallBeLast #LastShallBeFirst

#LoveWins #LoveYourNeighbor #ChangeTheSystem #EverybodyNeedsALittleSanctuary

@SanctuaryUCC @HillsideMedford

Remember the “Reverse the Curse” sign on Storrow Drive? Red Sox lore held that the “Curse of the Bambino” was the reason for an 86-year long championship drought. Babe Ruth had been a big contributor to Boston’s success and when he was traded – the once lackluster New York Yankees became one of the most dominant teams ever. Sox fans believed that fate had turned the tables with the trade and they suffered until 2004 when the curse was finally reversed!

History is replete with these kinds of reversals. The trouble, though, with just trading places is that only the players change. There are still winners and losers and disappointed fans. When all we do is swap stuff – there are still oppressors and oppresses, powerful and over-powered, rich and poor.

Oh – for a world where the very conditions that cause that imbalance might change!

My guy, Jesus – was all about Great Reversals. But for him, it was about changing the conditions – so that everybody gets to be a winner and everybody has what they need – nourishment, community, safety, love. Maybe, we should put that sign back up – “reverse the curse”. Only this time, let’s make it be about the curse of injustice and the world view that defines human beings as us-versus-them.

And – rather than leaving it to fate – let’s all go do something to reverse the curse. Take a moment – today – beloved – to bring someone up from the back of the line. Share some love, food, a kind word, a smile, and make the last be first.

For more about Great Reversals, check out the link below to last week’s Sermon – and join us this Sunday at 10:30 because everybody needs a little sanctuary.

Speaking Truth to Power: The Mobster of Mesopotamia (sermon)

Esther 3 (Scripture)

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