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2022.08.25 One Minute Word: Marveling

#BeAmazed #ParadigmShift #Awe-some #StarvingForWonder #WhatsInYourWonderCabinet #GoMarveling #MindBlown #GodSmacked #MiracleMagic #SeeNoStranger #Wonder-Full #KindergartenCredo #AllINeedILearnedInKindergarten #RobertFulghum #StartWithLove #FeelTheLove #LoveWins #LoveEthic #GodsLoveNeverFails

@HillsideMedford @SanctuaryUCC @MinisterofGainz

Theologian and “Prince of Paradox” G. K. Chesterton said that “The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of wonder.”

Children and puppies wonder by nature.

Theologians, Psychologists, Sociologists, and Scientists ALL tell us that it is good for the soul, for our relationships, for society, and for science – to lead with wonder and curiosity. So – why is it hard to be curious about others?

And why do we fail to wonder when – as Socrates said, it is literally – the beginning of wisdom?

Well, check out my sermon on the link below to learn more – and meanwhile, these are a few of the things I marveled at in Maine this past week.

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 onsite or online for a little more wondering about things we learned in kindergarten – because everybody needs a little sanctuary and a community with which we can hold hands to cross the street. See you soon!

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