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[vc_btn title=”Movement of Love Lenten Devotional (PDF)” color=”peacoc” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]
[vc_btn title=”40-Day “Love Builds Up“ Family Challenge (PDF)” color=”peacoc” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]
[vc_btn title=”Wednesdays 7 pm ART and Reflection (zoom)” color=”peacoc” align=”center” link=”|||”]
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Here’s What We Are Doing for Lent

Formation and Family-Faith-Fun for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter

Pick-up Your Lent-in-a-Pandemic-DIY@Home-Package: Come get your DIY ashes, lenten devotional, and Love-Builds-Up-Family-Challenge! Pick-up your package on the Hillside front porch any time after 2 pm on Saturday, February 13 and before our virtual Mardis Gras Supper on Tuesday February 16, 6 pm. If you cannot make it to Hillside, please call or email and we will send you a package. 

‘Movement of Love’ Lenten Devotional – Binding of the Books! In a moment where so much of our interaction is digital, we’re excited to announce that this year’s homegrown Movement of Love Lenten Devotional will be available both digitally and as a handmade book, complete with a special touch from some of our artists!. The “books to be bound” will be offered as part of the DIY Lent Package, complete with unbound devotionals, waxed thread, and bookbinding needles. Join us on Ash Wednesday at noon for a short, live bookbinding tutorial we’ve dubbed “The Binding of the Books.” If you can’t attend you can bind on your own (before Ash Wednesday Service) using this video; but don’t fold the pages until we are together for worship 2/17. Watch this space after 2/13 for the digital version of the Devotional.

Ashes-To-Go and Prayers for DIY Ash Imposition: Individually wrapped COVID safe ash with prayers and ritual for imposition (packaged with love by a masked and gloved Rev. Wendy) you will have the chance to impose the ashes and pray yourself; drop-in on zoom from 8:30a-9:30a; 11:30a-12:30p; 3:30p-4:30p for prayer with staff as you impose the ash; or join Ash Wednesday Worship at 7 and impose your own ash together with your church.

(Optional) DIY Burning of the Palms and Making Ashes: Gather as a family before the virtual Ash Wednesday worship and experience the ritual of burning your regrets and confessions on behalf of transformation. If you plan to be with us for our virtual Ash Wednesday Worship, you only need to burn (and optionally make the ashes).You will get some ashes with your DIY Lenten packet, and we will experience the DIY Ash Wednesday Ritual together. Here are the instructions and list of what you will need. These instructions will be also included in your DIY Lenten packet. 

40-Day “Love Builds Up” Family Challenge – designed to train your family’s spiritual muscles and emotional health to be good and strong, beautiful and ready to participate in the Easter that’s already creeping through the land. We will kick-off each week’s “Love-Builds-Up”theme during Sunday’s Messy Church message. WE will provide you with a copy in the DIY Lenten Packet, but you can also find this digitally here!!

Here’s the Schedule for Lent

Shrove Tuesday, 2/16, 6 pm – Mardis Gras Virtual Pancake Supper! 
Throw on the beads and boas, make “Breakfast-for-Dinner,” show-off your favorite family ‘pancake-practices’ and traditions and let just BE (together on zoom). The infamous, miraculous, amazing Golden Pancake Award will be presented to the best “pancake-face” created by a kiddo!! Here on Zoom

Ash Wednesday (2/17) Ashes, ARTCircle, Contemplation
ashes will be sent home in the DIY package – (palm burning at home is optional)

8:30a-9:30a; 11:30a-12:30p; & 3:30p-4:30p: Drop-in here for a Blessing for Self-Imposed Ashes (on zoom)

12:00 pm: Bookbinding with John Sinclair (30 minutes); wait to fold the pages until worship–or do your own bookbinding with the video; wait to fold the pages until worship. Here on Zoom

 6:00 pm: DIY Preparing our Palms – Burning Your Confessions and Regrets as a family

 7:00 pm: Ashes, ARTCircle, Contemplative Devotional Ritual (folding the pages), with taize and special music. Here on Zoom

Wednesdays in Lent (2/17, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24), 7:00 pm – ART Circle and Reflections using the reflection questions from the ‘Movement of Love’ Lenten Devotional (from Luke) and additional ART images depicting these texts. Come for contemplative prayer, taize music and “ARTChurch” reflection on God’s movement. Here on Zoom

Maundy Thursday (April 01): ART Reflection Circle

Easter Sunday (April 04)

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