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With the practice of mindfulness, we bring awareness, clarity, and calm to our lives. We become more compassionate to ourselves and others.

This course will introduce you to practices and meditation techniques that cultivate mindfulness in our daily lives. We will explore the benefits of mindfulness to our emotional, mental, and physical well-being as well as enhance our interpersonal relationships.

Each week we will explore how mindfulness helps with key areas in our lives including how to:

  • Cultivate an embodied attention
  • Work with strong emotions and manage emotional reactivity
  • Navigate thoughts and distractions in meditation
  • Develop the skill of mindful listening and mindful communication
  • Cultivate kindness and care for ourselves and others

Your teacher is Kate Beers, a retired clinical social worker and human resources professional. She is a long-term practitioner of mindfulness meditation and is working toward her certification as a mindfulness teacher through the

When:     (6) Saturdays April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; May 6
(1:00 pm – 3:00 pm)

Where:   Hillside Community Church (144 North Street) or Sanctuary UCC (458 High Street) Medford (final location to be determined)

Who:        6 – 10 participants

Cost:         $50 for six sessions

If interested in participating, please contact Kate Beers at 

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