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This past Sunday we heard Jesus’ talk about being persistent in our prayer life. This is part of what Jesus said, “ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened.“

These words are pretty familiar to those of us who hang around church on Sunday morning – and frankly, they present a pretty big challenge – since there often seems to be a real mismatch between what we “want” and what we “get” – both from our prayers and in our lives. I mean, sometimes you gotta wonder if God is even listening… right?

But Rev. Tom pointed out that the whole of this lesson of Jesus’ was to teach us, to push us, even; to be literally shameless in our pursuit of God and of goodness for God’s people.

Shameless, as in not giving in to the social pressure to stay cool and calm in the face of need; brazen, as in taking the risk to move past cultural norms in order to seek justice; unabashed, as in, pushing past the expectation that dignity trumps desperation when we are measuring what matters – you get the idea.

The powerful do it all the time – they’re shameless in pursuit of their own success.

How much more should we, then – who are called to love – be shameless in the pursuit of that?

Check out the link below to hear the whole sermon and join us this Sunday at 10:30 cos everybody needs a little sanctuary.

#AskSeekKnock #GivenFoundOpened #ShamelesslySearching #BrazenlyBrave #DoJustice #PersistentPrayer #YouCantAlwaysGetWhatYouWant #YouGetWhatYouNeed #LoveWins #SpreadLoveLavishly #SnowDay #ShamelesslyScarfed

Watch the whole sermon


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