Grade 8/9 OWL Session (@ Sanctuary UCC)
Hillside Community Church 148 North St, Medford, MA, United StatesFind all the details here.
Find all the details here.
Following worship, we will enjoy a community meal to which all are welcome. Bring a friend!! Ideas and Sign-up here for this month's "Cinco de Mayo Fiesta" Themed Potluck! If you...
Join us onsite or online via Zoom here: Go to the Connection Hub for access to this week's electronic worship bulletin/hymns/prayer wall and more. For more about this Sunday's Worship...
Join us for a nosh and get connected with conversation, conviviality, and cool people.Sign up here to help with coffee hour! Bring the simple snacks , setup/make the coffee &...
Join us onsite or online via Zoom here: Go to the Connection Hub for access to this week's electronic worship bulletin/hymns/prayer wall and more. For more about this Sunday's Worship...
Find all the details here.
Join us for a nosh and get connected with conversation, conviviality, and cool people.Sign up here to help with coffee hour! Bring the simple snacks , setup/make the coffee &...
Join us onsite or online via Zoom here: Go to the Connection Hub for access to this week's electronic worship bulletin/hymns/prayer wall and more. For more about this Sunday's Worship...
Join us for a nosh and get connected with conversation, conviviality, and cool people.Sign up here to help with coffee hour! Bring the simple snacks , setup/make the coffee &...
This Sunday we will experience Bright Sunday!! What’s that you ask? A day to celebrate Holy Humor and raise some Holy Halleluiahs! Let the kids come in costume, wear something silly (go...