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iammigration: the artists of haitian colors

You are invited to wonder – with us – about the shared human experience of migration. We have all experienced it – sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically, sometimes with support, and sometimes all alone in the dark. This season we focus on the experience of four Haitian artists whose journey and wisdom are shared through their work.

Currently installed and available from Thursday, September 14 through Friday, October 27, 2023.

A Multimedia Galley Installation and Experience with four, internationally recognized local Haitian artists: 

  • Michele David
  • Bitho Faustin
  • Miriam Pitte
  • Sylvestre Telfort.

meet the artists below:

Michele David
Fiber arts—9 pieces

Haitian-born Michele David creates fiber arts through which she explores her cultural interests as well as her personal love of pattern and color. Dr. David has exhibited her works in galleries, museums and cultural centers throughout the United States and The Hague, Netherlands, including solo shows at the Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists in Boston. “I am inspired by African and Haitian influences, including the color and vibrancy from my childhood home, Haiti. I love the Caribbean flora and bright skies. Thus, my pieces contain much color and symbolism related to my upbringing.”

A practicing physician at the MIT Medical Center in Cambridge, Dr. David writes: “For me, my art balances the demands of medicine.” Her art is included in Migrating Colors: Haitian Art in New England, published by the Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachusetts. Dr. David lives in Chestnut Hill.


Bitho Faustin
Mixed media on canvas—3 paintings

Born in Port-au-Prince, Bitho Faustin started painting at age 15 under the tutelage of Mously Lacroix and Djamin Nelson. His paintings fuse daily reality with Haitian symbols and narratives. His art has been shown in numerous venues, including a 2022 exhibition organized by United Haitian Artists and Artisans and held at the Nassau County Museum of Art. Two of his paintings were featured in the IamMigration exhibit at the Gallery at Sanctuary in Medford and are now being shown at the Urban Media Arts Gallery in Malden. He is currently painting a mural in Brockton. He lives in Malden.

Contact:; 857-888-0637

Myriam Pitte
Mixed media on linen—5 paintings

Born in Port-au-Prince, Myriam Pitte has lived, studied art and exhibited in France. Her first exposition was in l’Espace Beaurepaire in Paris. More exhibitions followed in Normandy, Brittany and Vendee, in Rome and recently in Massachusetts at Boston City Hall, Gallery 33 and In Sight Art Gallery. Myriam Pitte studied at the Institut des Beaux Arts in Paris. Major influences are the Haitian master Stevenson Magloire, Basquiat, Monet and Pollack. Using abstract art, she explores themes such as pain, healing, identity and the dynamics between the individual, society and the university. She writes: “Art is universal and encompasses all aspects of life, particularly all dimensions of a human being, I paint as a “Cri du Coeur,” a call of distress, a cry for help to express profound emotions and states of mind that words cannot express. My painting is my “scream,” my call to start a dialogue around the issues affecting people.”

Her work is included in Migrating Colors, Haitian Artists in New England, published by the Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachusetts. She lives in Beverly.

Contact:; 781-309-8708

Sylvestre Telfort
Mixed media on canvas and burlap—5 paintings

Sylvestre Telfort is an award-winning artist known for combining natural and abstract forms. Raised in Haiti in a large family, he began painting at the knee of his older brother, the realist artist, Rousseau Telfort. He continued to paint and develop his skills during middle and high school, in collage at Gerald-A-Joseph, and at the art school, Poto Mitan, where he exposed himself to new ways of creating with brush and palette knife. He also painted under the tutelage of Jean-Claude Garoute and Wilfrid Austin Casimir. His paintings range from realism, to surrealism, to cubism and he is known for his portraiture.

Telfort’s art appeared in the IamMigration exhibit this summer at the Gallery at Sanctuary, and is now included in the Arts Medford “Autumnal Equinox” exhibit at the Public Library and at the Urban Arts Media Gallery in Malden. He is included in Migrating Colors, Haitian Artists in New England, published by the Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachusetts. Telfort lives in Malden.

Contact:; 781-632-4161