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Announcing Messy Church Reboot

Second Sunday, 4 pm Worship; 5 pm Potluck Supper
Beginning October 13 (4 to 6 pm)

A Pickup Choir will meet at 3:15 to help create the joy and lead the singing. Read More about our Messy Music and our Messy Church Musicians!!

Messy Church for God’s Messy People!
Sanctuary UCC and Hillside Community Church

Messy Church has been a wonderful experience this past year with and for our young families. And they are asking for more connection to the rest of our community – a chance for the kids to be with the whole church, to connect with “Grands” and “not-so-Grands” across generations and across our congregations.

And so – we are ASKING YOU to make a commitment to “Be The Church” together! We are asking you to commit to a once a month Messy Church Worship and a Potluck Supper on the second Sunday (4 – 6 pm) at Hillside.

Our goal is to provide a progressive, contemporary, inter-generational worship and community experience for today’s busy families – where we will sing, play, dance, eat, and grow with God – and sometimes make a mess.

The service will be kid driven, messy, easy to connect with and include movement, story, song, communion and celebration!  Every worship will be followed by a community-wide pot-luck supper from 5 to 6 pm and we’ll have you home for bath time!

Our older children will take on some of the worship leadership roles and everyone will help with the set up and clean up.


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