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#GodsHeartIsForJustice #FeedMySheep #VisitThePrisoner #ClotheTheNaked #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd  #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #JusticeForDanteWright #ChurchInPolitics #PoliticsInChurch #WeAreTheOnes #GodIsWaiting #LoveWins

This past Sunday – as part of our Hot Seat Sermon series I preached about the place of politics in the church – and the place of the church in politics.

Now I am guessing that some of you who see this video might roll your eyes and wonder what-the-actual-heck could possibly be the place of the church in politics!

It has not escaped notice that my not-so-subtle-voice in the civic arena has been met with … well… exasperation by those who would have a pastor stay in her place.

But – you see – God has a heart for justice. Period. Full Stop.

And that justice looks like this:

  • Protecting the oppressed
  • Feeding the hungry
  • Caring for widows, orphans, immigrants, and the imprisoned
  • Healing the broken and the broken hearted
  • Honoring character over power and wealth
  • And making the justice system – just.

God has a heart for justice. Justice for George Floyd. Justice for Dante Wright. Justice for Breanna Taylor. Justice for all whose names are sitting on God’s broken heart.

What is the place of the church in politics? What is the place of politics in the life of a person of faith?  I would say it is this – making love and justice real, here and now. Because, God cannot do it alone – and we are the ones She has been waiting for.

If you want to hear the rest of last week’s message, click here – and join us this Sunday for a Hot Seat sermon on Sex – because every “body” needs a little sanctuary.

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