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#MiraclesAreEverywhere #WhenYouHaveEyesToSee #TheSmallStoriesPreach #GodShots #GodMoments #GodInEverything #GodGreening #EverythingIsAMiracle #Resurrection #LoveWins #LookforTheMiracles #Believe

 This past Sunday we talked about miracles! Yeah, Yeah – I know – Miracles!? I wish I had a nickel for every time someone asked me (as a pastor) if I really believed “those” stories. You know – water into wine, the paralyzed walking, feeding 5000 from a couple of fish, and Jesus – resurrected from the dead!?

Yet in 2021 – we talk about miracles, easily and with confidence – all the time – a cancer inexplicably cured; a car totaled, out of which everyone walked away unscathed; a baby being born; a voice guiding us in a dream; Zoom meetings! And how about a vaccine saving us from a global pandemic?

CS Lewis once wrote that “miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.”

The truth is that the lilies of the field and the birds of the air?  water, sunlight, soil and branch becoming grapes? creation propagating without our intervention? It is ALL a miracle.

Holiness is everywhere and it is as common as raindrops and blades of grass and the miraculous greening of the Earth in which we find ourselves this week.

Frederick Buechner says that “Faith in God is less apt to proceed from miracles than miracles are from faith in God. The truth is – when you look for them – miracles are everywhere.

And you can’t help but believe!

Click here to hear the rest of the sermon on miracles. This week I’ll be in the hot seat for the first in our series on Controversial Topics. I’m gonna be preaching about one of my favorite topics – the place of politics in our faith. So, Join Sunday us at 10:30 because everybody needs a little sanctuary.

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