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Call to Action! 

October Update – Sanctuary and Hillside Antiracist Study and Action Groups

Following the transformative and inspiring educational experience of sixty folx who studied Ibram X. Kendi’s, How to be an Antiracist – we offer the following additional groups and recommendations:

I. Further learning and education – SignUp here

  • White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
  • Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson Book Group
  • Watch on Netflix: The Social Dilemma
    • An urgent reflection on the impact of our social media bubbles.
    • “Once we’re hooked and coming back for more, the real commodity they sell is their prowess to influence and manipulate us.” –Sundance
    • We will offer a discussion group in January using the producer’s discussion guide
  • Read or Read Again: How to Be An Anti Racist
    • Author’s Readers Guide
    • We will offer another study group if there is interest

II. Take Discreet Action

  • Engage in Mobilize Medford – Calls to Action
    • Looking for some way to put your money where your mouth is when it comes to antiracism!? You can make a tax-deductible donation to:
      • Support BIPOC children and youth in Medford with a directed donation to acquire tools (such as Chromebooks) and resources (books, supplies, tutors) for virtual learning support; and/or
      • Help Mobilize Medford build capacity and take action to affect policy change in policing and education in Medford.
  • Support Our Revolution Medford – Our Revolution Medford brings people together to elect progressives, advance progressive policies, and build a better Medford for all.
  • Voting
    • Make sure you have made plans for your own vote;
    • Staff the polls; help get people to the polls
  • Make Calls – check out how you can support through the Biden Campaign, or “Swing Left”
  • Write Letters encouraging people to vote not partisan (likely democratic voters) via “Vote Forward”





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