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2022.11.11 One Minute Word: I Want New Saints

#IWantNewSaints #LoveEthic #BlessTheseSaints #BraveSaints #LifeLoverSaints #HilariousSaints #LightFilledSaints #NurturingSaints #RiskTakingSaints #VulnerableSaints #ConfidentSaints #FaithFilledSaints #NurturingSaints #JesusWay #JesusEthic #GodsLove #LoveYourNeighbor #StartWithLove #FeelTheLove #LiveOutLove #LoveWins #GodsLoveNeverFails

@HillsideMedford @SanctuaryUCC @revwdmiller @MinisterofGainz

It is almost two weeks later, and I’m still holding fast to the sacred experience we had in worship – of lifting up the names of “our saints” with love, care, attention, and the ringing of a bell.

Of course, this practice of connecting to “our people”, of honoring our dead, and celebrating the wisdom of those who came before us is not unique to the Christian tradition of the Feast of All Saints. Think of the indigenous rites of Shinto, Samhain, Voodoo, and Día de Los Muertos – the day of the dead.

The veneration of one’s ancestors is one of the most widespread spiritual practices in the world. That makes a lot of sense because connecting with the teachers and the lovers and the spiritual guides of our past – is in and of itself spiritually nourishing. These ancestors form our roots and (as the old saying goes) gave us our wings.

But I want some new saints, too.

Those who are in my present and maybe even in my future and who know that being a saint doesn’t require a declaration from a church.

  • I want saints who live and love deeply, who find the source of their inner strength from God and community.
  • I want light-filled saints, who enkindle my spirit with their teaching, faith, and practice.
  • I want risk-taking saints, who face their fears and act, who seek justice even though there is a price to pay for it.
  • I want vulnerable saints who allow me to care for them, to be with them in their time of need.
  • I want faith-filled saints who bring me to Grace, who lead me, by their words and example, into a deeper relationship with the Holy.
  • I want brave saints who walk through their struggles with hope, who teach me how to trust and have confidence during my own times of sorrow and difficulty.
  • I want saints who are great lovers of life, whose humor and enthusiasm lift my spirits and bring me joy.
  • And, I want nurturing saints, who birth me energetically and spiritually, and who give me sustenance with their caring presence.

I want a new kind of saint.

And as the old hymn sings, I want to be one too.

How about you?

Click on the link below to hear more about how, in community – we can help each other to be real live, regular old saints.

And join us this Sunday at 10:30 onsite or online for our Thanks and Giving series.

Because everybody needs a little sanctuary and saints who show us the way to light, love, gratitude, and generosity!

See you soon.

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